Maybe the Wall has some answers.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Looking back

Given a chance, would I change something, anything, about the past?
Would that be a good thing?
Who knows?

But then, nothing can be changed anyway. So why bother thinking about it?


Absolute Chemystic said...

You do know that History repeats itself right ? Soooo may be you do have your chance !;)

Crossworder said...

Hmm...except I wouldn't know what to do with that chance, maybe...and then I'd end up writing another post like this when that circle completes itself :)

Absolute Chemystic said...

I am down with a cold, so I have a lot of time at my hands to do all this commenting (just incase you are wondering ;)
I think I know what I might change if given a second chance, and yet, who knows if that would make me any happier than I am now. Sometimes I think life is an experiment, on teaching people how to be content.

Crossworder said...

Well, yes, the maximum sense life ever makes is backwards! And I agree with matter how many times I wish I could go back and do certain things, or undo others, there's no guarantee that I will necessarily like that outcome I think I'll be a good guinea pig and let the experiment take its course! :)

Crossworder said...

P.S.: Get well soon :)