Maybe the Wall has some answers.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Is it only a coincidence that, with the exception of the last, all the posts on this page (the ones that appear after this one, obviously) have been written on a Monday? I wonder.


Absolute Chemystic said...

Is it also a coincidence monday is the first day of a work week ? Monday blues.

Crossworder said...

Hmm...that seemed to be one explanation to me too...but I couldn't use the blues to explain away everything :)

Absolute Chemystic said...

the weather and monday blues are two of my fav excuses. haha but these days they dont seem to be good enough :)
But my hunt for excuses, always takes me to new, interesting blogs - one thing I am terribly grateful for, blogger is not blocked in my lab.

Crossworder said...

In that case, my friend, you are one of the lucky few...everywhere I've been, from my office to the computer centre in my department, Blogger has been out of bounds :(
But I'm devious enough to work my way around most network filters :D
Monday blues are an excuse I use sometimes, too, but in this case, I was simply curious about this new-found propensity to blog on Mondays...I have now concluded that I had too much time on my hands :p
Thanks for reading...I believe we've exchanged comments earlier this summer too :) :)

Absolute Chemystic said...

I believe we did ;) the pleasure has entirely been mine :)
Am glad that you write so much more frequently than me. I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts, they always make me think about things I have either not thought about before, or was too lazy to pursue the thought.

Crossworder said...

Thanks! :) When the first thing you see in the morning is a comment like this one, it makes your day :) :) Btw, it was great reading your blog too...I especially enjoyed the story about the brother and sister...and I identified with quite a few things on your '25 random things' list :)

Absolute Chemystic said...

ha ha I am glad you did ;)
Feel free to let me know when my comments begin to bore you !

Crossworder said...

No, there's no scope for any :) It's also really amusing how we've already exchanged some 8 comments over a two line post :) :D

Absolute Chemystic said...

its weird how its easier to make 'virtual' friends these days, isnt it?! ;) I wish it were this easy to strike a conversation in person, when we meet people in a gathering..I guess the anonymity helps but again, I know you through your blogs. blogs are kinda pen pal-ish arent they?

Crossworder said...

It's a coincidence you should say that. Logging out of Blogger yesterday after replying to your last comment, that's exactly what I thought - blogs help one make pen-pals of know, I remember a time when I actually found it easy to get into a full-fledged conversation within two minutes of meeting a perfect stranger. Things, I'm sometimes stuck in uncomfortable silences even with 'friends'...So I'm grateful to Blogger for the chance to meet new people and get talking - again! :)