Maybe the Wall has some answers.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Method for Madness

It won't take a Holmes to see that I've been in a bit of a funk recently. And, of course, that I have made valiant efforts to pull myself out of it. How successful the attempts were is a story for another day. :)

"Now, young lady, one reason for the long face and the intensely crabby manner...and a categorical one, if you please."

"Eh? Reason? I'll give you reasons."

"Go ahead."

"It's like this", I pause to moisten my lips, and Sense can see that I am beginning to quail. "Like this", I pick up where I left off, only I have nowhere to go with my explanation. "I'm low and blue and disorganised and cluttered and thoroughly muddled", I rattle off defensively. Let's see if she can fault that. If you ask me, those are substantial reasons for as long a face as anyone can choose to make.

Sense is not impressed. It won't take a Holmes to see that either.

And that is how I find myself standing at my desk, pencil and Post-It in hand, ready to draw up a to-do list. Sense tells me four-fifths of the funk comes from being behind schedule on practically everything - stuff I'm supposed to do and extra stuff that I've taken on in fits of enthusiasm.

"It would help if you restricted hobbies to after you finish urgent, deadline-driven work", Sense says pointedly, glancing at my oil pastels and the three books I recently picked up.

"But I like these bet-..." Off her expression, I allow the protest to peter out. [What?! You wouldn't want to mess with her either, when she looks like that.]

"Right". I dutifully put my dissertation material and a couple of other books (which, in all fairness, deserve a lot more time than I have given them so far, seeing as how I took this up - it wasn't forced on me) on top of the desk, aligned neatly in the centre, one sharpened pencil, a new eraser and a blue ink pen lying beside them.

I tack the Post-Its onto my cupboard and determinedly put everything else away. Taking a deep breath, I laugh scornfully at the blues in my head. That'll show them! Congratulations, I smile beam at myself in the mirror.

Then I pull out a Wodehouse, and begin reading.



Absolute Chemystic said...

I dont think Sense is going to get appeased by wodehouse either :D Nice try though ;)

Crossworder said...

Of course Sense won't be appeased by Wodehouse...if anything, she will be appalled by the timing! :p The idea isn't to appease's just a reflection on where part of the problem stems from. :)

Ruchira Sen said...

Sounds familiar.... Glad to have you blogging again.

Crossworder said...

Strange that you should drop by about now...I've been thinking more wistfully than usual about D8, black coffee, yellow Post-Its, Mma Ramotswe (!) and your constant mothering in spite of the notes on my door. I think it has something to do with this time of year. Miss you, Dot.