Maybe the Wall has some answers.

Friday, May 29, 2009


- Sometimes, I think it is best to know people from a distance. That way, you tend to like them better.

- Sometimes, I think it is best to do, on purpose, exactly that which you swore against doing ever again. It will either prove you wrong in your obstinacy, or make you feel good about your soundness of judgement in having sworn off it in the first place.

- Sometimes, I think it is best to become an observor to your life, and to watch it unfold like you would watch a movie. That is to say, sometimes it is good to react. Not always, never always. Sometimes, though, definitely.

- Sometimes, I think it's best to be like Calvin. Or like Hobbes, if that's possible. That would be even better.

- And it's best to let go. All the time.

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