I've just found myself a funny new fetish. I have, I've discovered, a firm fruit fixation, which freaked me out at first, to be fully honest. But it is fantastic fun now. It all began at Big Apple, where I was wandering away a muggy Saturday evening, wondering what I wanted to buy. Willy nilly, I found myself drawn to the Fruit & Vegetables section because it was so colourful and, well, had the best cooling of them all, which made it triply tempting. I felt one fruit, sniffed at the second and touched the third - and bingo, I was hooked!
To cut a long, potentially verbose story very short, I have now taken to living on fruit. I have a mania for mangoes and am partial to pears. I'm absolutely mad about melons - especially the musk variety, though I find watermelons wonderful too. I'm passionate about pineapple, though, while the apples are average - understandable, because they're out of season. And I know I have an annoying affinity for alliteration, and am weird enough without a fruit fixation, but then, I have survived queerer quirks, so there's still some hope!
Watermelons are dangerous! I ate one all by myself and couldn't stop throwing up next morning.
Now, now, little girl, there's a reason why we were taught to share! ;)
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