Maybe the Wall has some answers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Unforgettables - I

1. Rain in College
2. Walks to Gwyer Hall in winter, breath forming smoky wreaths
3. Casa 7, Gurgaon
4. May 7 - 13, 2008, Mumbai & Goa
5. Breezy evenings at L-7/3
6. Power cuts at K-14/20
7. Early morning rides to work - the road empty, glistening and beautiful
8. Sunday lunches from August 2007 - June 2008
9. Walks on the terrace of 32 U.B.
10. June 20, 2007
11. December 9, 2007
12. Kandisa at 2 a.m. in an empty Allnutt South
13. That feeling of triumph at having finished packing at the end of first and second year. The struggle to get the trunk downstairs. The attempts at tricking the Office into believing there were only 3 articles of luggage in the LCR.
14. The breathless dash to Allnutt South at 9.58 p.m.
15. The stars from Andrews Court
16. The shades of green in DLF 2
17. Impromptu lessons in Marketing at MGF Metropolitan
18. 10.30 p.m. phone conversations - the ones that have become a habit
19. The French window in the five-seater
20. Holi 2008
21. Univs 2006

To be continued.

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